Finding the one to love is one thing but keeping love you find a totally different kettle of fish
Let us help you on your quest for true love and relationship fulfilment by coaching you through the maze of attraction, dating, falling in love and creating lasting love by our coaching programs for finding the love you want and keeping the love you find. In the event that your relationship is already in trouble allow us to help you rescue the relationship through our unique relationship counselling or therapy approaches and if it is already to late we want to help you to deal with a difficult break-up or divorce.
Premarital Counselling
Pre-marital counselling is our prevention approach to prevent marriage or long-term relationship failure. It is more than that, it helps to set the scene for creating and experiencing relationship bliss over the long-term. Read more….
Finding The Love You Want
Dating Coaching
Finding the ONE may be difficult for some people, it is then when self esteem building, attraction guidance and dating coaching come into play. Let us guide you through the sense and non-sense of dating advise that is “out there”. Read more….
Love Coaching
“Love is a many splendid thing” goes a song. Poets, songwriters, singers, philosophers, and yes, I think all of us want to know what love is. The MY THERAPY love and sexuality experts did a very unromantic thing by researching love. The Van Wyk Universal Definition of Love emerged from this research and this along with Masters Studies in Sexology brought about a much required coaching programme to understand love, to test if what you are experiencing is “true love”, to ascertain how well developed your love relationship is and to provide coaching to protect your love. Only then love actually may be enough. Without it our many years of experience in our practice found that love is not enough. Read more….
Keeping The Love You Have
We sometimes loose the love we found because of psychological and/or relationship baggage. Let us help you with the applicable intervention, be it therapy, counselling or coaching, to keep the love you find. A few very important aspects that we consider here are understanding your relationship baggage and to get rid of it before embarking on a love relationship, understanding how your childhood wounds may negatively and positively impact your relationships and how the “colour” of your love holds the key to long term bliss in your romantic relationships and marriage. Read more….
Intimacy Coaching
Research has found that in loving relationships it is ultimately the level of intimacy which drives long term relationship success. What we mean by intimacy is not sex. Intimacy is the willingness, atmosphere and ability to share emotionally important things over a wide range of topics, but also to share deeply. To share deeply is to allow you to become vulnerable in each other’s presence. This requires trust supported by respect and trustworthiness. As many of us intuitively feel, there is a close relationship between intimacy and the desire for sex. It is for these reasons that an investment in intimacy coaching may be one of the best investments a person or preferably a couple can make. Read more….
Desire & Sex Coaching
Breaking through a myriad of secret insecurities about our sexual bodies, sexuality, attractiveness, sexual knowledge and many more, may be the most liberating experience that we may have. This together with the insight and experience of factors that influence our desire as guided by an experienced professional in a confidential and private environment will lead you to experience a great sex live and an immense deepening of our love. Sex then becomes a healing influence in its own right. Read more….
Decision Guidance
May be you have heard that “love is a decision”? In our research we found it only be partially true. Love may be the will to exert yourself to firstly make the world a safe place for those you love and to exert yourself for the personal growth of the ones you love, but is only absolutely true for one’s children. For the rest it is this paired with a decision to remain loving, whether it is your romantic partner, your friends, or even your family. Love is an act of responsibility for your children, since your children did not ask to be born. They had no part in the decision. It was your decision to procreate or to take part in activities, which may have led to procreation. It was your choice and is therefore your responsibility. All other relationships are driven, not by responsibility, but by choice and therefore decision.
Many factors play a part in you deciding to stay in a relationship or to keep on loving, if you will. It is on these factors that our relationship and sexuality experts provide guidance or coaching. These factors include values, attitudes, beliefs, security (financial and physical) desires, roles of family and friends, children or not and many more. Read more….
Imago Relationship Coaching
Imago is the Latin word for “Image” (pronounced Im-ah- go). The basic assumption of Imago is that committed partnerships have a higher calling/mission than simply the pursuit of happiness. The purpose is to help each other heal the childhood ‘wounds’ that have resulted from imperfect parenting. Often people incorrectly assume that it is only in homes of abuse and profound neglect that “wounding occurs”. This is not the case, since we are imperfect parents ‘wounding” our children unintentionally. Because we are wounded in relationship (by imperfect parents), healing may occur within a relationship. In MY THERAPY we view this basic assumption of Imago as an extremely useful relationship metaphor and we have seen the results obtained by our clients, when they wholeheartedly participated in the counselling sessions. Read more….
Relationship Enrichment
If we do not enrich our relationships and focus on keeping it real, novel and exiting, we end up occupying the same space or living together apart instead of sharing life and sharing peak human moments. We have the interventions and programs to help our clients let their love flow. Read more….
Relationship Counselling
Since we are by nature egocentric and since most of us have been “wounded” in childhood, wounded through relationships and wounded through the hands and words of other dysfunctional and even evil people, we develop problems in our relationships. These problems and issues in our relationships may cause such levels of unhappiness, frustration and anger that it lead to extreme levels of distress, dysfunctional behaviour, anxiety, panic, heartache, helplessness, hopelessness, abandonment, anger, violence sometimes even murder or suicide. Below is a list of some of relationship issues causing problems, which require counselling or even therapy to resolve:
- Infidelity
- Conflict
- Childhood Issues
- Baggage From Previous Relationships
- Bad Habits, Mismatched Desire
- Loss of Romance
- Lack of Appreciation
- Lack of Intimacy
- Lack of Sex or Passion
- Lack of Time
- Lack of Shared Objectives
- Incompatible Belief & Value Systems
- Commitment Issues, Poor Communication
- Difficulties With Reconstituted Families (Stepparents and Stepchildren)
- Parenting Difficulties
- Unmarried Wish lists
- Difficulties With/About Extended Families
- Difficulties With/About Friends. Read more….
Divorce Counselling
When worst comes to worst and you have decided that divorce is the best way for you to proceed, then let our counsellors help you process the pain and minimise the psychological consequences of divorce. Note that this is not divorce mediation, this is taking care of your emotional reaction to divorce. We have partners that we may introduce to you if you require mediation. Read more….