Lack confidence in public speaking?
Get The Best Coaching For Confident Public Speaking And Improve Your Life.
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You are in sales. Whether it is standing in front of an audience, or going for an interview, or doing a live presentation.
People buy YOU before they buy your product or services.
The idea of speaking in front of an audience is daunting to most people. It is uncomfortable to know that you are at the centre of attention and these feelings of discomfort often interfere with achieving success. That is why confident public speaking is a goal worth pursuing.
The Confidence is key workshop focuses on overcoming the negativity that are associated with public speaking, by understanding how your voice and body language can be used to project confidence. Furthermore, it addresses how to confidently and effectively communicate in the professional world.
The good news is, confidence can be constructed in the way we project ourselves, and thus we can overcome our fears and present an image of success.
Reneé van Wyk (Adendorff) read for an Honours Degree in Industrial Social Work and majored in Psychology at UNISA. She used her interest in the social work arena in the corporate environment, and various community development projects.
She had been involved in management consulting, human resources, counselling as well as the training and development arena. Reneé was also involved in small business herself since 1995 that culminated into the formation of Innermost Consultancy from where she delivers training and personal development programs.
Reneé believes in life-long learning, the development of potential and talent, and has always explored new terrains and new information.
Reneé, ek wil net dankie sê vir die moeite wat jy vir my gedoen het. My selfvertroue het baie toegeneem sedert laas jaar. Dit beteken meer en winsgewender besigheid vir my omdat ek op ‘n hoër vlak kan operate. Ek het n groter inherente sekerheid wat alyd daar was maar jy het dit uitgelig.
Dankie ook dat jy my help om myself beter uit te druk – die tyd wat jy individueel aan my spandeer het, het my op ‘n hoër level geplaas.
Ek het nie geweet van body language nie en dit was vir my lekker om te sien hoe mense in die gehoor die eerste keer in my lewe engage.
Wat jy vir my gedoen het is priceless en daar kan nie ‘n geldwaarde aan gekoppel word nie.