Design Your Life for Total Fulfilment
Almost all people, who live successful and fulfilling lives, do so because they design their lives. Let us help you design your life and get the results and the fulfilment you want through one of our coaching based programmes. In MY THERAPY coaching has a specific and exclusive meaning not to be confused or fused with counselling or consulting as is more often than not done by coaching practitioners. We at MY THERAPY developed a unique intervention framework distinguishing among “Intensive Therapy”, “Therapy”, “Counselling”, “Flow”, “Coaching” and “Consulting” for the benefit of both the client/patient and the practitioner.
MY THERAPY Personal Strategy Interventions
The MY THERAPY Personal Strategy interventions are designed as three lone-standing modules that build on one another into a powerful life coaching based personal strategy programme promising you that you will get results by designing your life. We refer to the composite personal strategy programme as the “Results by Design” personal strategy programme.
Power Of Focus
Our Power Of Focus programme is designed to help you cut through the back ground noise of your life to help you to focus on what really matters.
Purpose Directed Life
The MY THERAPY Purpose Directed Life programme, including our proprietary researched purpose extraction and fulfilment interventions, addresses the WHY of your life and all aspects there-off. This intervention is an intensive kickoff of a uniquely positioned true life coaching programme. Read more
Goal Driven Life
The MY THERAPY Goal Driven Life programme, which includes our master class purpose digitalisation and goal setting interventions, addresses the WHAT of your life in all the relevant contexts you choose to define for your life. It may be experienced as a stand-alone programme, but it is designed to build onto the Purpose Directed Life programme to yield optimum results. Read more
Action Driven Life of Achievement & Fulfilment
The MY THERAPY Action Driven Life of Achievement & Fulfilment programme, including our life mapping technology, action plans and accountability based life coaching, addresses the HOW of your life and all the relevant life contexts in which you choose perform. It makes much sense to experience this programme after completion of the Goal Driven Life programme to yield maximum results, but if you already have well defined goals but feel frustrated for not achieving them, then this programme will yield results on its own as well. Read more
Results By Design Personal Strategy Programme
Results By Design Programme – Your Money Saving Option
The Purpose Directed Life, Goal Driven Life, Action Driven Life of Achievement & Fulfilment programmes together make-up the Results by Design Personal Strategy Programme designed by the experts in MY THERAPY to get and keep your life on track of achieving your goals but more than that to life a life of ultimate fulfilment.
In our definition fulfilment refers to living a pleasant life of happiness, purpose, engagement and meaning!
MY THERAPY Life Coaching
After completing any or all of the personal strategy interventions we avail ourselves for continuous life coaching and accountability partners to help you break through we get stuck on your way to success. Success means the successful implementation and following through on your personal strategy, your Designed Life.
The Secret to Success
You may have been exposed to personal or life coaching programmes, which promise you that they have “the secret” to personal success, that there is a “secret” for you to get everything you want. You just have to follow some “universal law” then success will come to you or that the “universe”, whoever she is, will give you all you desire. The MY THERAPY personal or life coaching programme is the personal strategy programme, which truly knows the secret to personal success and truly knows the secret to getting the things that you want.
The secret is that there is no secret! There is no universal law for success either. There is no so called law, which if you just keep on following this law or if you just keep on thinking positively that will give you exactly those things for which you “believe”. It is almost the same as believing that the weeds in your garden will magically disappear or be removed by the “universe” if you just think positively or if you just believe with all your might, energy and focus that the flowers you planted will give you a beautiful garden while you deliberately ignore the weeds in the garden. You need to pull out the weeds or they will take over your garden, isn’t it?
Programmes, which teach you such laws, ignore the laws of thermodynamics, which are always acting whether we think about them or not. A law is something that guarantees outcomes, for instance gravity. Who have not seen the effect of gravity? Or it may be the third law of thermodynamics, which I have found to have much wider application than engineering. In simple terms this law states if left alone (no work done on a system) a system will tend to fall into maximum chaos. Applied to the garden analogy, it means that the garden will produce weeds along with flowers if the conditions support growth, and more often than not the weeds are more suited to the environment and take over the garden. If the conditions do not support growth, the garden will mimic a desert with follows the first law of thermodynamics, which is, it will tend to migrate to the lowest energy state. These laws, gravity and thermodynamics, are natural laws. They are always acting, and it takes work to use then to your advantage.
There is also another type of law, namely process laws. These types of law, are linked to natural laws and are process interpretations of natural laws. One of these laws are called “the law of the farm” by Stephen Covey, it requires a process which incorporates work on the natural laws and time for care and growth to produce the results you want. You have to; prepare the ground by feeding it with the correct minerals and enzymes, plough and then plant, water and wait for the plants to grow while during the same period manage weeds, insects and possibly birds if you want to have a crop. It therefore requires a process sequence and time for growth before you can expect a crop and harvest the crop. If you omitted one step in your process, you will not get the results you want. If you waited too long to start but then follow the whole process step-by-step in, for instance, just a week or a month while during this period you provide the same amount of water, which you would have given over the whole normal period, what do you think will happen? Will you get a crop in time? No, we all know that this would not work, since the process requires time for growth.
Our program teaches you how the use these true “laws” or principles, the ones that are applicable to personal success and getting the things you want, to design, create and live the live you want. If you follow our MY THERAPY Personal Strategy programme with discipline (we are even teaching you how to make this thing called “discipline” easier), focus and dedication, then you will live a life of accomplishment and fulfilment.
How Does The Results by Design Personal Strategy Programme Add Value?
In today’s high-pressure world, we are quickly absorbed in surviving or creating wealth. In order to become successful or to continue to be successful the pressure to learn and improve yourself, to manage your emotional reaction to your environment and to stay motivated is ever increasing.
Motivation, positive thinking, affirmations and visualisations have as concepts necessary but limited power to drive one to one’s destiny (or ultimate reason for living). We therefore developed techniques that superimpose on these concepts, techniques of behavioural conditioning that program the desired behaviour into the cells of the individual.
We acknowledge that most of us at least some of the time lack the motivation and drive to improve ourselves or to change deep rooted behaviours. The Results by Design Personal Strategy programme from MY THERAPY helps you to take the control back over your life and to be as motivated as you want to be. We help our clients lead inspired and exciting lives. Inspiration and excitement is more than motivation…. It is motivation on steroids!
The Results by Design Personal Strategy programme is packed with powerful techniques and technologies you can use to take charge of your destiny.
No, it is not “Positive Thinking”!
We’ll help you extract that innate dream or purpose for your life, transform that into digitally measurable entities, focus on the “How” to attain your goals as well as transfer the skills necessary to keep you following through.
What Is In It For You?
With the help of the or Results by Design Personal Strategy programme you will be discovering your personal dream, purpose and values, know yourself better in different contexts, align yourself to your preferred context for success. We will also teach you to use specific tools that you can use to develop a goal directed lifestyle as well as powerful techniques for getting yourself into autopilot on your way to your personal destiny (personal strategy fulfilment).
We will provide you with crucial tools to help you cope with today’s pressure to perform, but we will do even more. We are available as personal coaches to motivate and stimulate you to reach your potential.
What Is In It For An Organisation?
Organisations battle to train and sensitise their staff to understand, live and feel the power of strategic intent and the future pull associated with it. This program brings strategy into the realm of the individual by teaching and applying the basic tenants of strategy to balanced living. The result is a personal strategy that we then align with the organisational strategy in which the person works or which he/she owns.
The Results by Design Personal Strategy programme from MY THERAPY helps individuals to behave better in different contexts and to align them to the strategy (objectives) of the organisations in which they work or that they own. The tools that induce goal-directed lifestyles together with the techniques for breaking disempowering and creating empowering pre-cognitive habitual responses contribute towards productivity in major ways, especially when it is aligned with organisational strategies.
The tools to help people cope and stay motivated and on course to goal achievement delivers obvious advantages to organisational or business performance.