Our Four Professional Service Areas

Psychological Wellness

Ask us about our scientific therapeutic interventions for:

  • Stress & Burnout
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Suicidality
  • Trauma as well as
  • Breaking Bad Habits, which are holding you back.

Let us accompany you on your healing journey to living the good life with purpose and meaning


Sexual Wellness

Recent research showed that a satisfying sex life contributes more to happiness than anything else. Let us help you heal or improve your sex life by addressing:

  • Sexual Identity Issues
  • Low & Mismatched Desire
  • Erection & Arousal Problems
  • Orgasm Problems
  • Not Lasting Long Enough
  • Sexual Pain & Penetration Issues


Relationship Wellness

Ask us about our forefront relationship interventions:

  • Imago Couples Counselling
  • Systemic Family Therapy
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy to rescue relationships even for “last chance couples”

Also check out our relationship enrichment interventions to help you:

  • Love deeply and
  • Recapture Romance, Fun and Passion


Performance Psychology

Check out our results producing coaching interventions e.g.:

  • Confident Public Speaking
  • Confidence & Self Presentation
  • Personal Resilience & Dealing With Criticism
  • Mental & Emotional Resilience
  • Personal Strategy Coaching
  • Presentation Skills
  • Creative Thinking
  • Emotional & Social Intelligence

Live a life of total fulfillment!


What We Do


Do you feel down, hopeless or burnt-out? Are you currently in crises, feeling major distress resulting from trauma? Read more…


Are you currently experiencing major distress in specific areas of life or resulting from specific and recurring problems ? Read more…


Do you feel that you are under performing? Do you feel stuck in certain endeavors in which you desire to excel? Read more…


Does it feel as if you reached a ceiling or that you have not made the desired progress in your life, your business or career? Read more…

How We Deliver Our Interventions

Contact sessions

Face-to-face sessions for individuals, couples, small therapeutic groups or larger coaching groups.

Virtual sessions

Skype or Zoom based sessions for individuals, couples or small therapeutic or coaching groups.


We do large scale intensive workshops, key note talks, personal break through events and panel discussions.


We deliver several personal development and coaching programmes on a contact basis as well as on different e-learning platforms.

What others say about us

Geagte Riaan

Ek skryf sommer hierdie brief as een onbeskryflike groot dankie!

Ek vra myself gereeld die vraag, “Waar sal jy wees een jaar van nou af?” en letterlik niks in die wereld kon my een jaar terug, voorberei op wat ek nou voel nie. Vandat ek die eerste keer as ‘n gekneusde mensie by jou kantore ingestap het, het ek met vrymoedigheid al my geheime met jou gedeel met die wete dat daai vier mure en jy as my Doc al die geheime sal beskerm maar terselfde tyd my sal druk in die regte rigting.

Vreeslik baie dankie vir die manier waarop jy my laat besef dat daar niks so erg is in hierdie wereld waarmee ek nie kan “deal” nie. Daar is geen stres wat ek nie sal kan hanteer nie, geen hartseer wat my vir langer sal afhou as wat ek toelaat nie en my self-versekering in myself slegs deur MY bepaal word.

Danksy jou hulp het ek geleer dat geen foute wat ander mense in my gelewe gemaak het MY foute is nie, en ek kan slegs leer om nie dieselfde foute te maak nie en dit ten beste vir my kinders ook te leer eendag. Jy het my gehelp om weer selfversekerd te voel in ALLE aspekte van my lewe en daarmee gepaard gaan die sukses wat ek tans aanvaar in my besigheid, studies en persoonlike verhoudings.

Ek weet beslis jy gaan se dit is ek wat die harde werk gedoen het, maar ek wil net ‘n baie groot dankie se vir die geduld en toewyding wat jy aan my afgestaan het, ek weeg myself elke dag op die geluk skaal van 9/10 en op die slegste dag ‘n 8/10.

Ek strewe elke dag om die goedjies te onthou wat jy my geleer het soos die “stres en angs beheer” tegnieke en ander reenforcements, ek glo van hart ek gaan dit nog vir baie lank toepas in my lewe.

Hopelik sien ek jou op ‘n positiewe noot vinnig in die toekoms!

God seen vir julle praktyk!

I can’t begin to say what Riaan has meant to me and how he influenced the direction of my life.

In the first session with him in his consulting rooms in Pretoria, I realised that this experience is going to be different to that with the other therapists that I have seen. Believe me I have seen more than my share! When I told him “I am bipolar”, he looked at me with amazement and said that it seems strange to him and that I should not take it the wrong way, but that it looks like I am human to him. In the months that followed I realised how much I have grown. I started feeling more in control of my life and my biology than I ever thought possible. More convincing proof of my “improvement” came from my family and friends who told me how much I have changed and how wonderful it became to spend time with me.

Not only did I found an inner peace and a sense of healing, but we worked past this to “design the life” I wanted.

‘Colby you need to design the life you want” are his words that even today, years later, still linger in my mind. With his help I designed a strategy for success in my personal life. Riaan taught me that my “hypo-manic” phase may actually be a blessing and together we devised strategies to harness the energy of this high energy emotional state to achieve extraordinary productivity and creativity.

Riaan, thank you for challenging me at times and at times just supporting me and for knowing when to do what!

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